A new meat-loving dinosaur,Silicone gifts "Lonely Small Bandit," has helped fill a big gap in Madagascar's dinosaur records.The dinosaur,Motion controller whose
scientific name is Dahalokely tokana is the first new species of dino
from the island country in nearly a decade.Before this discovery,
dinosaurs that lived 165 million years ago and 70 million years ago were
known from the region. This left a pretty big gap, which the latest
find helps to fill.As an abelisauroid, it tromped around on two legs and
had two tiny arms a/la T. rex. Its common name comes from the fact that
it probably hunted and scavenged any meat it could find at a time when
Madagascar and India were connected, yet isolated from other continents.
had always suspected that abelisauroids were in Madagascar 90 million
years ago, because they were also found in younger rocks on the island,"
project leader Andrew Farke said in a press release. "Dahalokely nicely
confirms this hypothesis. But, the fossils of Dahalokely are
tantalizingly incomplete — there is so much more we want to know. Was
Dahalokely closely related to later abelisauroids on Madagascar, or did
it die out without descendants?"What we do know is that Lonely Small
Bandit measured between 9 and 14 feet long.Fiberglass animal The
accompanying image shows how it would have measured up next to an
average-sized person. Thankfully we were not around then to participate
in such an actual stand off.
image reveals where recovered bones for the dino would have been in its
body. The shape of some cavities on the side of its vertebrae were
found to be unlike those of any other dinosaur. Other fossil features
present an interesting mix of characteristics found in dinos from both
India and Madagascar.fuel hoseGeographical
evidence indicates that Madagascar and India separated around 88
million years ago, not too long after Little Small Bandit died out.chemical hose Remains of the dino were found near the city of Antsiranana in northernmost Madagascar.