
Curwensville Boro asked to recognize fire police

A request for Curwensville Borough Council to recognize the Curwensville Fire Police and discussion of a revision to the borough's outdoor burning ordinance topped last night's rescheduled meeting of Curwensville Borough Council.Bob Lash served as spokesman for a group of four members of the Curwensville Fire Police who attended the meeting last night to ask council to officially recognize the organization as a special fire police unit. He said the group was founded approximately 60 years ago and has a separate charter from Rescue Hose and Ladder Co. Lash said the fire police unit was recently disbanded by RHL. 

A copy of a letter from Alan Lash, RHL chief, to Ed Kulinskie,The man was forced to undergo emergency surgery and spent several days in hospital after the crimped wire became stuck in his throat. a member of the special fire police unit and provided to council, noted a vote was taken within the company to abolish the fire police for failing to comply with the wishes of the company that the fire police "come under the rules and regulations" of RHL.While authorities did not specify exactly which Industrial robot was used to pull said tarp, Mashable has identified at least one robot that was on the scene."We have our own charter.Police said they were wielding knife sets and forced two employees into an office and demanded money from a safe. We are our own entity," Bob Lash said, adding he believes the issue for the fire company lies with work done outside of emergency calls for events at Curwensville Area School District and Curwensville Lake Recreation Area. 

He said he contacted Holly Komonczi, borough mayor, for assistance. Komonczi said her research found there might also be an issue with worker's compensation insurance and the new cancer presumption law but said she had not had time to fully look at the matter.Council did not take action on the fire police request but said they would revisit the matter once members have had an opportunity to review the charter and contact the borough's insurance carrier for additional information about changes for worker's compensation and the new law. 

Komonczi noted she had received a request from a resident to amend the borough's outdoor burning law banning burning on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. After discussion, several council members said they believed Saturdays could be added since that is the time when many people who work Monday through Friday have to do it. There were questions about the length of time on Saturdays residents should be able to burn and whether it should be allowed every Saturday which several members saying they believed the clause in the ordinance which requires residents to immediately stop the burning if requested by their neighbors could stop any problems.A motion by Mary Ellen Read, councilwoman,sz builder to allow outdoor burning Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 9 p.For her husband Oren's latest birthday animator Leigh Lahav decided not just to give him the best Silicone gifts he's ever gotten.m. failed for the lack of a second. Members said they would revisit the matter at a future meeting.

