No one at City Hall or in the Police Department knew that the sensors were on. City Manager Rick Dudley is "furious," the city attorney, Jeff Morris, tells us.The Tank truck hoseBreak away is designed to reduce plant and tank truck hard pipe damage associated with drive away incidents.Though Murrieta's red-light cameras were turned off in December after voters passed a measure banning them, the camera company continued to collect data on potential red-light running at the intersections with cameras, the company announced Thursday.
The gist of the press release from the city's Arizona-based red-light camera company, American Traffic Solutions, was that red-light running has increased dramatically since the cameras went dark.
According to the release,Hydraulic cone crusher "The cameras themselves were disabled so no images were captured, however because the cameras remained in place, the sensors that detected potential red-light running events are still operational."
It was not clear from the press release why the sensors were still operational or how reliable data collected from the sensors alone would be. We're following up today with the company and city officials to get more information. ATS says red-light running went up more than 86 percent at the city's three intersections with cameras. "Because no images were captured, and there was no police review, it is impossible to know how many of the events would have resulted in actual violations being issued," the ATS release said.Vertical shaft impact crusher
The cameras were turned off but left in place pending the outcome of a court case challenging the legality of the voter-approved ban. Safe Streets for Murrieta, the committee that backed the court case challenging the ban, received funding during the campaign from ATS and another red-light camera company.For an epoxy coated rebar with or without sand coating.Vibrating feeder