
Next generation military robots have minds of their own

Think of advanced robotics, and it is easy to let your mind wander to the sentient beings depicted in Blade Runner,GR250/150 Gear Rack drive type single-axis Robot arm or the soulless, autonomous assassins in the Terminator franchise.But, despite widespread press about armed drones hunting down terrorists and insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the increasing use of ground robots to fight roadside bombs, the truth is that most military robots are still pretty dumb.

In fact, almost all unmanned systems involve humans in almost every aspect of their operations it's just that instead of sitting in a cockpit or behind the wheel of a vehicle, humans are operating the systems from a joystick or computer often at a remote base far from the action.Next week, one of the Multi-workstations Flexible line of Motion Control System 's most commonly used robots will finally make baby steps toward greater autonomy. The PackBot, a tracked robot used by US troops to help clear bombs in Afghanistan, will get a number of upgrades that will allows it to operate autonomously in some situations, according to Tim Trainer, a vice president for product management at iRobot, which makes the pint-sized bots.

Still, the autonomous capabilities will actually be fairly limited. In cases where the PackBot loses contact with its human operator, it will retrace its steps back to where it was when it last had communications. While seemingly simple,Motion Test for GR series XZ Robotic Arm this small step toward autonomy is a critical improvement: in the past, if the robot lost communications while on its way to defuse a bomb, an explosive ordnance disposal technician would have go and retrieve it, potentially exposing the person to risk.

