
Solar Heating and Cooling Options

Heating and cooling costs combine to approximately 46 percent of a home's annual energy usage. Solar heating systems can help cut these costs but may not be a viable option with an existing home, at least not without considerable restructuring and expense. One option that can help slash energy bills and can easily be retrofitted to most existing structures would be the solar attic fan. This fan not only would help keep the house more comfortable and save energy, but also can help to extend the life of your roof.

After heating and cooling, hot water is the next biggest home energy user, accounting for about 14% of the annual energy costs. Installing a solar water heating system would save much of that energy and cut your utility bills.An extremely important component associated with a camping holiday is Solar Camping light. Regardless of if you're a hardcore camper who'll venture out in almost any weather. The amount of savings will vary depending on the type of system and where you live. Homes in a warm, sunny climate will realize greater savings than those in a cooler, northern location.Now the discovery of CFL bulbs contain mercury, which may contaminate the environment, consider the use of LED bulb.

Lighting comes in at about 12 percent of a home's energy use and includes both inside and outside lights. Solar lighting can easily replace any outdoor lighting, thereby cutting both energy consumption and costs.My first impression of this Solar charger equipment is that the design of solar panel is very humanization and comfortable as battery. Anything from landscaping lights to the traditional porch light can be replaced with solar light fixtures.

